mercredi 19 septembre 2012

Raising the Imperial

Sunday was Flower Kings day ! The 70ies prog revival swedish band played a 2 hours set in Le Divan du Monde. Once again, multiple great lenghty songs about the human and his place in our universe, especially the capitalistic one with their last effort called Bank Of Eden. Even if the songs tend to go on and look like the same, live they take a life of their own. Here was a great set list with the big numbers they have put out in their differents discs. If you're into great 70ies prog rock, you can lend an ear. The songs tends to be lenghty and jazzy but sometimes you can find a pearl worth listening to hours after hours.

Set lists :
 For the Love of Gold
 Stardust We Are
 Last Minute on Earth
 In the Eyes of the World
 The Truth Will Set You Free
 Rising the Imperial

Encore: I Am the Sun

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