mardi 22 mai 2012


A quick post about some controversy I see going on and on and on in some vaious forums about collected edition (mostly comics but hell it can work on any of them). Spines. Book spines to be exact. Editors tend to change the look of their collection and spines every now and then, making the collector goes mad. The spines and /or dust covers in books tend , when you are doing the series to match and make a nice visual of all the volumes one against the other. But sometimes, the company producing the books, decide to change their logo, trade dress and such. And then the buyers consumers start ranting and complaining , putting fire on the internet. So I hear yes, the content are that matters and you should not judge a book by its cover (or spine for te matter). Yet, one must also reckon that most of the books are not read 24/7. They most likely wait in plain view in a library where they just show the tiny slide of teh spine to our viewing pleasure. Sure there must be some beauty in disharmony but frankly... we look at those spines more than at the contents or even the cover of the book. So why the changes ? Think it will bring more people to buy than people who will likely to stop buying because of changes ? Yes some readers are collectors and are shallow. They tend to bitch for small change in continuity but in the end... What exactly do the marketings guys think they are achieving with that ? Do people really need to know they are buying a Marvel or DC thing ? I mean do they not known when they buy a 49.99 $ Hardcover, what exactly they are buying ? I really want to know what is the meaning behind all this sometimes...

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