dimanche 1 juin 2014

SOUND OF CONTACT review (sort of)

Just passing by to drop a few line on the debut album of sound of contact


Let’s get this out already shall we ? Yes SOC is the band of Simon ( I am the son of Phil) Collins where he sings and does the drums. Though there are some similarities (voice, face, prog rock) it is only fair to try to review this debut album just by itself.
SOC is a prog rock concept album around space. We’re facing a easy prog rock mostly in the vein of popish prog rock (with instrumentals and an Epic) but the album is musically ( but not lyrically) easy enough to enter with nice instrumentals and a few single possible (closer to you has that written all over it).
SOC is a very prog popish record, easy enough to listen. Not bad for a debut album but not a very powerful one. Though we can easily introduce people to the world of prog rock with this album, complete with nice melodies and catchy chorus that are an easy approach.

Worth listening to. I awaits the next one maybe not eagerly but I'll lend another ear.

On a side note, they did a pretty nice almost full album concert with the flower kings starting with the french date in Paris. MIssed Karmakanic but it was nice to get Moebius slip in full length.