dimanche 21 février 2016

Toward the blue Horizon - RIP Piotr Grudzinski

Really sad way to start back this blog and writings.
 Just learn the sudden passing of the Riverside guitarist Piotr Grudzinski.

This year has been sadly firmly entrenched in the death of several peoples from the culture and the music.
I was gutted by David Bowie's death but this one, though as untimely as David's, really strikes me.
Because I knew Piotr.
Not as close as friend or other guys, even in the band, but I knew him.
We shook hands, talked a bit but I was around a couple of times. He was more "real" to me than Bowie.

I discovered Riverside on their second album and when they came to Paris, I think it was the first tiime ever to play my city. It was before the happy few in one of the caves of the ex-locomotive. I helped them with the loading of the mini van they were in. Happy memories (except for Michal facking KORG keyboards....^^)
Shared some beer afterwards.

I went to all their Parisian concerts. Piotr was (and still is, on the records) a great guitarist , very gilmourian in his feeling.

We went to the Prognation @sea cruise and sunbathed next to each other (and the Jolly fellows who toured with them once...)

I saw him in July 2015 shake a hand while watching other bands in Be Prog in Barcelona.

Last time was in Paris in October 2015 for the last album. All bearded he was.

I wish I could have exchanged more. I'm at loss of words.
My deepest sinceres condoleances goes to his friends and family.  I will now just shed a tear, thinking of a guy almost my age, very talented and nice who went toward the blue horizon too soon; listening to your glistering sounds..

You'll stay in my memories  in my head.
And you'll be missed Piotr.

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