jeudi 12 février 2009

New stars are born

One tiny thing plagues nowadays the movie entertainment and that is called Star.Stars are those beautiful people that make the front page of the magazines, are spread all over the movie posters and make most of the time the tabloids's headlines.
First, don’t get me wrong. I like actors, the job, the harsh work of trying to be somebody else and to sound and act someone else. Stars I don’t like. Mostly because they used to be actors and now they just play themselves on the movies, being paid hideous sums of money that probably account for most of the producing bill.
You’re gonna tell me they are in front of the lens so it is natural to be the PR of the movie, especially if they are beautiful, sexy and glamorous.
Pretty sure the second assistant of the director of the photography is not good enough for the front cover but still.
Even if these Stars are sooooo huge they are allegedly the main magnet for viewers and so retrospectively speaking producers and money, why all that ?
So they have to be on the posters. All over. Hopefully if the filmmaker is also bankable, he’ll be in fat letters too but most of the time you really hope the title is good enough to explain to you what the movie is about (I mean… besides being a movie by Spielberg about Tom Cruise for example’s sake).
No, today it’s all about the Star, maybe a bit of filmmaker and the rest hopefully in the story and theme. A bit of a rotten way to make business considering even if actors are the most visible part of movie making, an essential one, they are far from the biggest part.
But Stars, whenever they are oversized egomaniacs or not, have this strange power to make things sell. And moreover, the power to make themselves be asked everything.
It’s amazing to see month after month of periodicals with interviews of them about life, babies, fashion or whatever.
I understand they have a right to have opinions, detailed or not, passions or such. Hell I’m doing the same here. But since when exactly did people who earn big sums of money for lying or at best recreating a life for fun and entertainment started being more interesting than medical doctors, philosophers, activists and specialists and historicians ?
Oh but they are gorgeous, and sexy and live in this golden dream full of strass and paillettes that is the dream-movie land of Hollywood.
Pretty sure if the doctoress shows some legs and stockings, with good make up and Photoshop sure they could sell a lot more of good articles.
But Stars… They shine way too bright and blind us in the end.

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