mercredi 31 décembre 2008

Soft Powers

A first post to talk about culture, things I see, hear, read, smell, taste, feel all around the world.
This will be in english for many reason, the first being most of the things I might talk about comme from english-spoken countries and it is also by far the most common language to reach people all over the world. (It would be great if just 10 people in france alone would read me ^^ ).
So why Soft Powers ? Because Soft power was already taken first and second because as a great comicbook fan (oh...just lost 5 readers gasp. ) the plural strikes a chord for the comic book lover in me (Yes I do read Bendis and Oeming POWERS Comic).
So soft power... You can wiki it up to see what the concept is all about and if the concept do engulf many arts and things, I prefer the plural for there are many powers...err soft that can make the world turn round, or rounder, or widdershins or whatever.

So now off with you stupid explanation let's take culture, art, feelings and intellectualization aplenty.



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