During a tour in Ireland, we switched quicly from the pogues to something more close to my prog roots. Hence the final experiment by a band called
Ayreon. Okay not a band but a rock opera made by hippie ministrel reincarnated prog meister Arjen Lucassen whom works I already talked about in some previous entry (go forth and search !).
TFE is a concept album about a blind ministrel from arthur's court receiving vision from futur scientists (via an experiment - the final one- called time telepathy) as warnings about 3 majors events that will destroy the Earth in the futur 2084.
Lost and confused ? So is Ayreon. He decided yet to go and sing his visions at the Court of Arthur and thus wins the intimacy of Merlin.
All the songs are sung by a bunch of different singers.
This adventure (a bit of la jetée/army of the twelve monkeys rolled unto arthurian excalibur) is not exempt of flaws (it is the first release of an ayreon disc) yet is charmful to say the least with a bunch of songs rising up thanks to the catchy riffs from arjen. We think here 'sail away to avalon' and 'Merlin's will'. But the whole story helps make the solid a tight ensemble who gives a eerie feeling of going back to the dark ages in the middle of all the green pastures and rocky mountains of dingle peninsula and such...
Enjoy the ride folks.