Many times we, amateurs of Fine Arts, are obliged to face the good old problem I call the long time band problem.
You discover a band, you like the album. You go to the concerts, all is fine.
They put out a new disc. By likeness or completism, you buy it, listen to it.
And so forth for a certain number of times. And then you feel confronted with two choices. (Especially when you go on the internet and on band forums, which is the worst but that is for another time)
First the band does the same album, different songs of course but same type, same construction, same M.O. Of course that is what you liked in them the first time.
Second, the band changes style (radically or not) at every other album or so. Now it's getting tricky because you don't seem to recognize the band you fell in love with.
And so the internet breaks in half over the new album with those who complain because it is the same album all over again and those who complain because the band betray themselves and what they were at first (or before).
People expect from artists certain things... Quality, recognisable patterns and clichés.
But really can you expect from people to change at all what they are doing or even to expect a small change.
Most of the artists have a personality of their own with their hopes and habits.
As anyone can (and want) to change there is always a bit you can recognise for we humans are creature of habits.
We like patterns, familiar rituals we can do to feel safe because the biggest fear out there is -well-the unknown.
That is why when we like an artist, we feel safe and comfortable (and so he is) with doing a bit of the routine stuff. And that’s why we do feel betrayed when there is change.
Yet sometimes, the opposite strikes. Our thirst for new things, that curiosity that have driven humanity down many roads including technology, space and genetic manipulation ; all that drives us to seek , if not something new, at last something part new, something like evolution.
So everyone is doing their part to create express in any medium to build things, moral constructs or pleasant interludes for ourselves and our fellow humans. The fragile balance is to be attained between being better at our craft and try to evolve, to do other things to broaden our view and let other faces of our diamond-shaped talents shine a bit more.
Life is creation and is movement and it's never-ending and perpetual.
jeudi 28 mai 2009
mercredi 6 mai 2009
Flashing red light means go

Went to see a couple of groups last week...
First and foremost Delain, a nice female led kinda métal-early gathering band which was a nice venue, charlotte the main voice is a lovely lady with one of the most beautiful smile ever.
First and foremost Delain, a nice female led kinda métal-early gathering band which was a nice venue, charlotte the main voice is a lovely lady with one of the most beautiful smile ever.
But on first part was Whyzdom, a year old band with a disc coming, a project by a connaissance of mine Vynce Leff who found in Telya Melane a beautiful voice.
Whyzdom goes all the way down the traditional heavenly métal female voiced and sure can make themselves a place given time among the others bands in the same style.
And speaking of foreplay again, I managed to see the londonian combo the boxer rebellion again. I previously saw them with oceansize and I must say their post-prog-pop -whetever rock was, if not original, somehow well done.
I had to see them again (and get their new album Union)
So I went to the quidam/brakes/TBR concert in le point Ephemère on Monday.
And they are great... If the music, in the likes of radiohead/sigur ros/marillion/coldplay is not original, the songs are good and not as good as Live I must say. Definitly a band worth checking out...
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